Agriculture and Allied Activities
Social Welfare & Rural Development Society (SWRDS) is a 33-year-old organization working for poor and rural people of Ghatal, West Medinipur. We have stretched our wings in varied sectors of Agriculture and Allied Activities. Here are some of the initiatives we have taken as an NGO.
Potato Cultivation
The organization has 3 bighas of land of its own and taking a lease for another 2 Bighas to cultivate potato for its daily consumption. All these potatoes are used in the projects of our NGO. They are like Day Care Centre and Anath Ashram. The excess potatoes are used to go for sale and the earnings are used for regular expenses of the organization.

Jute Cultivation
After the harvesting of potato, the land was used for the cultivation of raw Jute. From our NGO, we kept some quantity of raw jute for jute handicrafts. The rest were sold in the open market to help the handicraft workers as wages.
Vegetable Gardening
To meet up with its daily vegetable requirements, society extensively cultivated vegetables. The extra quantity was sold in the local market to assist the expenses of the society.

The society has re-excavated some ponds for the cultivation of fishery to help the local people in their earnings. The society also cultivated fishery in its pond as well as other ponds under lease to meet up its requirements and at the same time to earn some money for the society.
Social Welfare And Rural Development Society (Ghatal)